5 Best Places for Bungee Jumping in India

6 minute read
With India becoming one of the leading destinations for adventure tourism across the globe, adrenaline junkies have numerous options for bungee jumping at their disposal. If you happen to be one of them, you can pick and choose your destination to make your plans for the adventure sports - a reality.

The moment just before you jump is one of the most scariest moment because you will be so scared that your heart beat fastens. Once you attempt a jump you will be in a freefall motion for just 4 seconds and then you will be pulled up. It's insane and if you are lover of life and adventure then you must definitely try Bungee Jumping at least once in your lifetime.

If you are not scared of scaling the vertical heights, then here are some of the best places to go bungee jumping and leading destinations for bungee jumping in India at which you should definitely try your luck.

1. JumpiN Heights - Rishikesh

JumpiN Heights is one of the most remarkable places for bungee jumping in India. It is located in a village in Rishikesh namely Mohan Chatti. A height of 83 meters above the ground provides for the solid platform for bungee jumping for adventure lovers. You can realize your true potential for the sport and put it to test here.

2. Gravity Adventure Zone - Goa

If you are a newbie and are testing waters in bungee jumping, the Anjuna beach in Goa is the destination wherein you should try your hand. The platform in this location for bungee jumping is not too high, unlike the other locations. So, it is relatively safer for beginners to start their journey for the adventure sport. A height of 24 meters is perfect for a beginner and is less likely to scare them with the vertical height.

The only catch is that it would need you to fork out Rs 500 for every jump. For an adventure sports lover with a spike of adrenaline running in the body, this is worth an investment.

3. Wanderlust - Delhi

Wanderlust in Delhi is one of the leading spots for bungee jumping in North India. Here, you can expect to have a decent experience without facing too many risks. The staff members are well trained to help those who wish to engage themselves in adventure sports.

The best part about this bungee jumping destination is its equipment. All the pieces of equipment are ordered from Germany. So, you can expect them to be sturdy and up to your expectations of standard equipment for this sport. Further, those pieces are also based on German technology which is trustworthy.

Here, the jumpers are required to jump from a height of 130 feet above the ground. If you are comfortable with this height, be prepared to be a thrilling experience at this place.

4. Ozone Adventures - Bangalore

Unlike the fixed platform at JumpiN Heights at Rishikesh, the one located at Ozone Adventures in Bangalore does not have a fixed platform. As such, one needs to be a little careful while translating one’s plans for bungee jumping sport into action. If you still wish to go ahead and test your skills at this venue, you need to be ready to jump from the crane. It can be a little risky, so make sure you are thoroughly acquainted in doing it before taking your final call.

With a mobile crane which is 130 feet in height, Ozone Adventure in Bangalore tops the chart as far as the ratings of bungee jump locations with non-fixed platforms are concerned.

5. Kolad

Kolad is another great place near Pune to quench your thirst for adventure. The beautiful town, about a 110kms from the city, offers two of the best adventure sports you can engage in. First is the white water rafting in the roaring Kundalika River. Rafting through the electric water flow and challenging the mighty river is no cakewalk. River rafting is like any other sport on steroids, as the adrenaline rush it offers is absolutely scintillating.

Kolad is a very popular place for those who seek connection with nature and for lovers of activities such as rafting. The Kundalika River, is formed by the Mulshi dam, something that offers the possibility of this adventure sport. The Mulshi Dam is in the backdrop of mountains. It is a popular eco-tourism destination and there are many beautiful resorts If you wish to stay overnight.

Second, Bungee Jumping. If anyone is even remotely familiar with adventure sports, they know that Bungee Jumping is the peak! Jumping from a high cliff is not for the faint-hearted, no matter how good the body harness and the leg strap is. Besides these two exquisite activities, there are a number of other activities like water rappelling in Tamhini Ghat Waterfalls, and exploring the Ghosala Fort.

5. Della Adventure - Lonavala

Just about a couple of hours out of Pune, lie the heaven for adventure junkies, the magnificent mountain valley of Lonavala. There are loads and loads of extreme adventure activities to choose from, and each one of them is more thrilling than what most people have ever experienced. First of all, Lonavala is home to the biggest destination for adventure sports near Pune, Della Adventure Park.

You will find some of the most exciting adventure activities near Pune at Della, like Paintball, rally-grade Dirt Bikes & ATVs, Rifle Shooting, Swoop Swing, Sky Cycling, Flying Fox, etc., which offer a booming injection of adrenaline.

Lonavala is one of the important spots of attractions among bungee jumping locations in India. This place offers a longer leap to a jumper which can last for a few minutes and the price at which it makes this facility available to bungee jump lovers is also reasonable. A jump from the height of 45 meters above the ground level is the standard height which any fan of bungee jumping would expect.

Tips for Risk-Free Bungee Jumping

  • If you are fond of adventure sports, your adrenaline rushes can prompt you to go for bungee jumping without much consideration. However, it is important to remember that there is no point in compromising your safety to play any sport.
  • If you play a sport safely, it doubles up your fun. Here are some important points to remember before you take the plunge.
  • Make sure a trained person or professional accompanies you before you jump.
  • Get all your doubts cleared before proceeding with the plan to take your final plunge. “Better safe than sorry”, as the saying goes.
  • Check whether the equipment for bungee jumping at your disposal is up to the mark.
  • Take the surface of the place wherein you are going for bungee jump into consideration. It should not be rocky or covered with trees.
  • Avoid attempting bungee in case you are a patient with heart or breathing problems.
Lastly, do not forget to check out coupons as you can make your expenses come down a lot and at the same time, you can also win other exciting offers by virtue of this option.

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  1. Wow, I would love to try this one day! Sounds truly exhilarating! But how in the world do you know if their equipment is up to mark?

  2. These all SOUND awesome, but that's a big NOPE from me. I am TERRIBLY afraid of heights!

  3. i did my first jump in Hawaii! now really thinking between India or Dubai for my next one!!! Maybe Indiaaaa! YAYYYYYY!

  4. Wow! Never really thought of bungee jumping with India. Sounds exciting!

  5. Nope, nope, and nope. But the views do look lovely from up there! I'll just watch this time :)

  6. I have never been bungee jumping - but I'd definitely be up for it one day! Looks exciting x

  7. You are such the thrill seeker! These adventures sound amazing! I would be terrified but probably do it anyway! ha!

  8. for those of us who have phobia i dont think ican do it i admire you how ever thats great

  9. This looks like so much fun! I want to try it someday!

  10. Wow this looks so much fun but I will be so scared to do that.

  11. Wow! Bungee jumping, I would like to try this activity soon. Thanks for sharing the list.

  12. For those of you who get a thrill with this kind of excitement, they do look pretty great. i would just lose it if I tried to do this. My hands sweat just looking at heights. I would faint on the way down.

  13. A very informative post! India is gradually opening to adventure tourism and there have been great responses from both local and global tourists. Will try bungee jumping soon in any of these locations.

  14. Wow. This looks so much fun. I am not sure I would have the courage though, but my husband would definitely enjoy something like this. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Oh my goodness I just want to climb into your pictures and never leave! Thank you so much for sharing such a gorgeous experience with all of us!

  16. I enjoyed your beautiful pictures and experience. I have never tried bungee jumping, it certainly is on my list.

  17. I had been to Delhi and Goa for bungee thing. But the others I'll definitely try.

  18. Omg! Bungee jumping is so much fun yet so scary,. I haven't tried that and I have no plans yet to try it. LoL!

  19. Lonavala is my favorite spot, I did it once... OMG, it was wonderful.

  20. Wow! That looks like an adrenaline rush! I am afraid of heights, so I won't be trying it, but I know some of my friends would.

  21. I am way too scared of heights to ever go bungee jump. I admire anyone who can do this.

  22. I never knew there are so many bungee jumping spots in India! Thank you for the recommendation!

  23. This looks too scary for me. I am afraid of heights. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with all of us!

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