7 Major Temples of Vrindavan & Mathura

6 minute read
Vrindavan is a city in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. Vrindavan is considered to be one part of Brajbhoomi. There are hundreds of temples and ashrams in Vrindavan dedicated to the worship of Radha-Krishna. This place is considered sacred. It is peaceful and beautiful of course! The major temples of Vrindavan are Madan Mohan Temple Govind Dev temple, new Radha Govind Temple and Shri Radha Raman Mandir.

Braj was the name of the father of Krishna. Vrajbhoomi spreads around Mathura and Vrindavan. It is not politically defined but it is believed to be the place where Krishna spent his childhood days and made various magical activities.

The areas of Brij Bhoomi are the Mathura Jalesar, Hathras, Aligarh, Agra, Vrindavan, Farrukhabad, Dholpur, Etawah, Auraiya, Manipuri, Firozabad, Kasganj, Gokul and Etah. While you are on Delhi Agra Mathura Vrindavan tour package, you must visit as many cities as you can. Vrindavan is a place where Krishna spent his childhood days. Vrindavan is an established pilgrimage site in India with hundreds of temples along with Mathura.

Government is putting high efforts in maintaining these architectural masterpieces and these temples and ashrams are also getting constructed on a regular basis. Here are a few major temples of Vrindavan.

The capital city of Yadu dynasty of Bharat, the name of the subcontinent at that time, Mathura remains the witness of many changes. It observed the tyranny of the rulers and also watched the humanity of Krishna. This is the place that is there till now, even after so many plunders from Nadir Shah at the banks of the Yamuna River.

The splendid city, with her holy spirited smell of the soil still today stares at the visitors as a proof of the birthplace of Krishna.

1. Madan Mohan Temple

Madan Mohan temple is situated in the city of Vrindavan at the area called as Kalighat. It was built by Kapur Ramdas of Multan. Multan is presently in Pakistan. Madan Mohan temple is one of the oldest temples that was built in Vrindavan. Madan Mohan temple is quite closely associated with one more deity apart from Krishna. The name of the other deity is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's full name is Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He was basically a Bengali Hindu Mystic Saint. Mysticism is a combination of ideologies, rites, legends, magic, ethics, myths, etc. When Aurangzeb was ruling over here, he gave the orders to shift the deity of Madan Gopal to Rajasthan.

This is the reason the original idol of Madan Gopal is now in Karauli in Rajasthan. He did this for the sake of safekeeping of the original idol. Today at Madan Mohan Temple, there is a replica of Krishna's original idol.

2. Govind Dev Temple

Govind Dev temple is also called as Sri Radha Govind Temple. The name does signify that there are idols of Govind which means Krishna and Shri Radha Ji. Radha Krishna is known for true, unselfish and genuine love in the world. In fact, as per Hindu mythology, it is believed that if one wants to get true love in life one must worship Radha Krishna along with Shiva Parvati and Lakshmi Vishnu.

There are seven storeys in Govind Dev temple. It was built by Raja Man Singh in 1590. Govind Dev Ji temple is built by red sandstone and this red sandstone was donated by Akbar. It also shows there the foundation of unity in diversity was actually laid by our ancestors only.

3. New Radha Govind Temple

New Radha Govind temple is also a temple of Radha Krishna. Mentioned in the previous paragraphs that there are new temples getting continuously built, new Radha Govind temple is an example of that. The temple was built completely in 2004. The designs of this Temple are based on a very beautiful historic temple. This historic temple was a brainchild of Srila Rupa Goswami.

Srila Rupa Goswami was a disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The feeling over here is completely divine and the architecture is marvelous even when it is not so old.

4. Shri Radha Raman Temple

Shri Radha Raman temple is a gaudiya temple in Vrindavan that was built in the early modern period. Radha Raman means Krishna is in deep and divine love with Radha. This temple is one of the 7 temples of the Thakur of Vrindavan. The followers of this Temple are from Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism means the worship of Vishnu or Krishna by the people of the region called Gauda. The temple has the original idol of Krishna along with goddess Radha Rani. The idol is in the form of Shaligram, a fossilized shell and it represents Vishnu. It is an iconic symbol.

5. Radha Damodar Mandir

Radha Damodar Mandir was also constructed in the 16th century by 6 Goswami of Vrindavan. The Six Goswami of Vrindavan was basically a group of teachers from a tradition called Gaudiya Vaishnav. The names of these 6 Goswami Rupa Goswami and Sanatan Goswami, Jiva Goswami, Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Gopal Bhatta Goswami, and Raghunath Dasa Goswami. Rupa Goswami and Sanatan Goswami were brothers and Jiva Goswami was their nephew.

6. Radha Vallabh Temple

Radha Vallabh temple was established by hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu. This was the temple which has a beautiful Crown of Radha Rani. This crown is placed exactly next to the idol of Lord Krishna. This looks very beautiful. Goddess Radha and Lord Krishna complete each other so much that it is a pleasure to watch them. Every year there are many people who come over here to worship.

7. Radha Ras Bihari Ashta Sakhi Temple

This is a temple which is dedicated to Lord Radha-Krishna and their eight friends. Radha was a girl in the village of Vrindavan during those days. She had a group of friends. Lord Krishna was also a friend to you all of them. However, Lord Krishna had a very special inclination towards goddess Radha. This temple is particularly known for their entire group as it reflected beautiful and divine friendship.

8. Nidhivan

This is one of the mysterious temples in India. It is located in the temple city of India, Vrindavan. The temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna. Nidhivan is a dense forest with lush green trees. The temple is shut after the evening prayer and various things such as saree, sweets, betel nuts are kept inside the temple. Every morning the priests see that sweets are partially eaten and the clothes have been used.

No one is allowed into the temple premises after the sun sets down. It is believed that Radha-Krishna come daily for the temple to rest.

How to Reach Vrindavan

Vrindavan is only 11 kilometres away from Mathura. You can reach Vrindavan by any kind of public transport or if you have taken Delhi one day tour package, this is our responsibility to take you wherever you want, as the package is fully customized for your convenience. You can also take your private transport.

You must visit one of the Radha-Krishna temples of Vrindavan on same day Agra tour by train. However, it may take some more time, but try to plan it well and you manage to bring it on the itinerary. If you are on Delhi one day tour package sightseeing, you must choose one of these temples on your itinerary. It will really have a very positive and loving impact on your life since Radha Krishna is known for eternal love.

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  1. Never heard of these temples before. Sounds interesting.

  2. These temples look like they hold so much history about the place. Insightful post!

  3. I've never heard of this temples! I hope someone can organise a day tour where you can check out all these temples in one go!

  4. Definitely going to visit these temples when I'm in the area! Love exploring buildings from different religions!

  5. I would love to do a tour of these temples. Having someone who can guide you to each of the ones that are most significant while explaining about them would be awesome.

  6. I would love to visit this some day.

  7. I'm from the states and had not heard of these temples before so thank you for educating me.

  8. I would like to visit some of these temples one day. They sound very beautiful and interesting to observe.

  9. These sound like some majestic spots to visit.

  10. And to think that is just a small fraction of all the many temples. So beautiful!

  11. Thoise were a great list of places I would love to visit. I'm hoping to go next year and this would be perfect place to start!

  12. I have never been to here but I always wanted to visit. Such a wonderful places.

  13. Since I live in Delhi, it's very close by. And we go there every year. I find these temples so beautiful and peaceful. Visiting vrindawan is always a pleasant experience.

  14. All of those places sound well worth a visit if and when I make it out there. I love seeing temples and these places of worship. It's usually where art an architecture are at their finest.

  15. I've visited a Temple after being invited to a Hindu celebration before. Honestly, the beauty was breathtaking. As much as temples hole a significant religious velue, they can be so beautiful!

  16. I've made it a point to visit the temples of places that I go to. There is a sense of peace when you do that and I crave that feeling all the time.

  17. i am not familiar with these temples - google to the rescue....I wish Delhi is near so i could visit these temples.

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