9 Tips to Hire an Airport Taxi Service in London

5 minute read
The city of London has its charms. The magic is due to its history, its diversity and the different people from all over the world live here to give it a life very few cities can boasts of. Even when the era of lords and ladies has gone by, some of the tourists are still in a look out of that London roads of which were swept by skirts of noble-blooded females. Parks of the likes of Hyde Park and Regent Park still could be found in the mind of avid readers of classic British works. The last of these signs live in the changing of guards which is often a reason of excitement for many tourists.

Besides the romanticism its past invoke, London boasts of tourist attractions like not many other cities can. The places to visit in London majorly could comprise:

  • London Eye (The Giant Ferris Wheel near the River Thames)
  • Buckingham Palace (Royal residence of the Monarch of the United Kingdom opens only in the months of London Summer)
  • Tower of London (where sounds the great bell of Big Ben)
  • Madame Tussauds (where intricate life-size wax models of top most celebrities and popular people who have contributed in their line of work are created and established)
  • Numerous Museums (Natural History Museum, National Gallery, Victoria Albert Museum, Science Museum, Royal Museum Greenwich, and many more)
  • London Aquarium

The list can go on for a pretty long time but you can decide tours on the basis of people you are travelling to London with like friends and family. Or you can chose to go solo. But there’s something for each one of the tourists. The best time to visit London is considered to be the summer but London is in a different hue whenever you chose to fly here. No wonder numerous day trippers and nightouters flock in the city on a routine basis.

London has five major airports: London City, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, London Luton and London Stansted. Whether you are a seasoned traveller or the one who shies away from journeying at all, taking an airport taxi service to and fro your hotel and airport in London can make all the difference to your mood and travel experience as a whole. However, to attain that light experience you need to book a trusted airport taxi service. Many companies are there but which one would you pick and how would you decide? This blog aims to answer these questions through some valuable tips.

Read on: How to decide?

1. Take recommendations from friends and family

Nothing could be better than asking people who have experienced such services first hand. Your family and friends are in a better position to direct you towards the companies that are great with their services.

2. Ask for Google's help

You can Google about the companies and what are the ones with more satisfied clientele. Some time on Internet would leave you with much clarity as to which ones would you like to sort from.

3. Surfing the web for online review portals

Now that you have some companies in your hand and would want to have some solid information as to which one’s best and the most suitable. Take help of online review portals can come to your aid. If that’s not your way, be more direct and call the company and ask about the references.

4. Ask your travel agency/agent

If you get everything done through an agency or dedicated agent, solving this problem would be a piece of cake. Along with making flight reservations they can go about booking airport taxi service as well based on your needs and preferences.

5. What to do to get the best bet?, Be early

As soon as you are sure about your journey date, get done with the bookings of taxi services as well. This allows company to allocate drivers on a priority basis for you. When the bookings are done in last minute, anything might go wrong leading to a hassled trip and also you might not get the vehicle of your choice or the timings of your exit. So, prompt bookings might also not available if you didn’t hurry.

6. Take time into account

You need to be a bit calculative about the approximate duration the complete transfer might take. You wouldn’t want to enter the airport gate huffing and puffing. Add some extra time over the normal runtime between your pick up place to the airport. Do not forget to add sometime if the day is a holiday, Sunday, or some busy time of the air. Only then you would be able to come to a realistic time you need to reach the airport.

7. List the items and people you will have with you

Since comfort is on high priority, you would not want to arrive at hotel or airport sandwiched between your pets, family members, kids or their luggage if not yours. The situation can become more challenging if you are travelling with equipment and gear. So make a rough list of the number of luggage you and your company (of people) along with the restrictions on pet carrying. This would help you decide the vehicle best for such a transfer.

8. Ask for special services

You wouldn’t want to let your special client wait if you have some degree of control over shuttle services, which customers generally have. Ask if the company offers executive transportation service. A limo or an upscale vehicle can leave a lasting impression that you care for them. They might be slightly expensive but not without their own set of benefits.

9. Confirm and reconfirm about the pick up

To err is human but making sure is in your hand so that that error doesn’t negatively impact you or your journey. If you have booked a substantial amount of time back, asking about your pick up (and sort of reminding them about your bookings) is natural. Confirm about your airport transfer and if it’s still in the schedule and that the driver knows the address of the pickup.

With these tips and suggestions we conclude our blog and hope you are going to make good use of these ideas while making reservations for airport transfers in Eastbourne or any cities of the world.

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