With the right mindset, you can make your travel dreams a reality. Traveling will make you rich, not necessarily with money but it will certainly fund you with a wealth of culture, respect and you will learn things about yourself you may have never been able to. Traveling is a privilege and for that reason we have to find ways to make our travels as sustainable and responsible as we can.
If you don't have significant experience with traveling for an extended amount of time, you need to do that first to make sure that life on the go is something that appeals to you. The last thing you want to do is embark on your dream of traveling the world only to realize when it's too late that it's not your dream.
Meeting with different people, learning the new cultures, eating the different foods, learning new language and literature, we don’t need to make plan a trip around the world. Just all we need to advance out feet as we can imagine how the river flows. We have to follow the rivers and automatically we can travel from one country to another. But, it takes the time. You need money, more time and passion.
If you want to make a trip around the world in less time, you can book the ticket through many websites, make passport, obtains visa (many passport holders from developed countries even don’t need visa which is easier for them to make plan but for the passport holders of least developed countries first need to apply visas from their home country, which is so difficult for them to make a trip around the world) and make hotel reservation.
Now this is the time of globalization, everything is easier than before because you can get information through the biggest search engine which we call it a GOOGLE. Trip Advisor, Lonely Planet are also good for information. It depends how long you want to travel around the world. For example, if you want to travel for a long time, don’t make a plan at once but if you want to travel for short, make a plan accordingly you want to visit the countries and places which is in your bucket lists.
It is impossible to travel all the countries in the world without coming back to your home country because your passport is finished and you cannot get all the visas for some countries from other countries not only that you even cannot make passport from other countries because you don’t have your embassy in some countries.
But it is possible to travel all the continents at one time without coming back to your home country or you can travel all the continents via cruise ship. For it, book from travel agencies or websites. The easiest continent to travel in the world is definitely is Europe.

1. Be determined, and go when you have an opportunity
First, find a group of friends that you can travel with. You can share all the relevant expenses with your group (transport, accommodation, and even food as well). Travel locally and once you get the hang of it, you can travel overseas. Do research on budget travelling. There are many online platforms, blogs that cater to budget travellers.
Memories shared among friends during travelling are rare and something that you will always cherish. The initial wow! factor is one thing, and being impressed more and more over hours or days is something else. The context, what you are experiencing, relates to that duration and the extra levels.
What kind of world travel do you have in mind? Do you want to travel indefinitely and see as much of the world as you can and you're going to return home after an undetermined or pre-determined amount of time). Having a wonderful meal, getting a great massage, experiencing a very unique music performance; all of these things can be unique and moving in its own way.
Once you're 100% sure about embarking on your adventure, you'll have a mountain of questions to answer and things to consider. Before you can do any of that, you have to determine one of the most important questions of this entire process: where do you want to go? Please make a list of the places that interest you, read about them, and take note of the relevant details.
If you are in Vienna, take the train to Slovakia for the day. If you are on a tour to Guatemala and there is an option of a day trip to Belize, take it rather than moan about the cost or choose to spend the day by the pool. And this desire to flee and see different places seems to be an epidemic. Beyond a fad, the wanderlust spirit is found in our genes: more specifically in the DRD4-7R gene, where dopamine is found and is called the traveler's gene.
However, not all individuals have the wanderlust gene. 20% have the wanderlust gene and that the places where the tendency to travel has predominated such as Europe, Latin America, the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. are the ones with the most tendency to travel and want to see the world.
Sometimes in life, you feel that you are held in one place. Life looks like still and dull. You see no motivation and urge to move further. It is a human nature who needs change. at some point in your life, and you crave for new experiences and challenges. To challenge yourself and freshen your mind the traveling is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Travel is something which pushes you to come out from the comfort zone and explore the world. You will come to know how capable you are when you make yourself exposed to other places and people. It looks fantastic when finding the site in a big busy city when you do not understand their languages. Ordering food and trying to communicate with them in a foreign language is fun and challenging.
It is you, and only you and no one is there to judge. Let me tell you once you get back to the work you are a completely new person and with passion and energy to boost your life. You will revive inner satisfaction, which will keep you traveling again and again.
2. Get a good job
Many do remote jobs such as graphic designers, copywriters, community managers and work where they don't have to be tied to an office and minimize costs. They make decisions from their social networks and Internet users (they are not inexperienced travelers but demanding where data is something important) and can be seen on the internet that the expression #wanderlust in both social networks and blogs has 65 million results.
If you are a person in love and dreamy who wants to see the world, step on every corner. Wanderlust is he who loves the local, loves to enjoy with his traveling partner and also loves what he does (which is traveling). It is possible that he is a wanderlust, no matter how old he is.
This person with the wanderlust gene just wants to see the world, wants to visit each country, feel the cold and heat of the regions, dedicates in his dreams to see what is the next place to visit, saves all his money to follow his passion (what is traveling).
Learning is the primary reason which makes people travel a lot. They like to experience new things, unfamiliar kills, and knowledge. There is a fact seeing the world from your eyes is educational then attending any high school or college. When you meet people and visit their historical, regional places add so much to your knowledge.
Attending their culture festival makes you learn more about their culture and norms. Each destination has its values than the previous one. So, the urge of learning new things and find about the people like you and me is something which will not let them sit in their couch.
3. Ahh, you got hungry
Food. Traveling to the new destinations mean tasting the new traditions. Food is the most important part of trips, but how to find the cheaper and delicious food in a specific area? Use TripAdvisor or Yelp to research dinner restaurants. Always. With a little research, you can find some AMAZING places to eat the traditional foods.
Interesting Reads: Jobs that Require Travel and Pay Well
Space tourism will become a reality? We saw Virgin Galactic astronaut training with 600 photos (including Leonardo DiCaprio and Justin Bieber), which over the course of 90 minutes will travel from the Earth's atmosphere, experiencing weightlessness and see the least, different angle of the Earth - at a price of $ 250,000.
4. Think carefully as to whether you want children
There are lots of countries you can visit with children, but there are lots I wouldn’t. They will also impact your finances. Of course, because they do not want to stay there, but it is a desire to see the world. That's why they inspire. That's why your friends are able to leave the comfort zone (including your partner).
A wanderlust inspires others with their stories, drawings, narrations, photos (it is even a natural desire of humanity with the first documentaries that showed cultures other than their own) shows from the internet, or from their networks and inspire others.
The borders of a wanderlust are imaginary lines on a map. For him there is no American or European. These are incredible people who are going to tell you your incredible stories of cities or gastronomic experiences from where you are.
5. Don’t fall in love with too many places
Every time you return to a country it is an opportunity missed to go somewhere new. Spend a long time thinking about what you mean by a country.
Scientific aside, wanderlust has become a social trend. The other necessary question is whether it is possible to realize that this wanderlust trend has been a constant not only in the millennial generation but also in a trend in all generations? When it is a goal, it increasingly attracts attention and gains more followers in networks and life.
Let’s discover the hidden secrets of the world, learn various languages from where they have originated? What are the myths and interesting facts about the place? There is so much to explore. And some people are always on the toes when it comes to traveling. They all get their bag ready and sets off to discover the world.
6. Have a plan
Map out your trip as detailed as possible, but always have the understanding that the plan can, and will, change. Be OK with that. Consider the weather/climate in all the places you will ride through and be prepared with the appropriate gear. Be sure you have built up the stamina to be on the bike as long as you will be.
Frequently there will be full days just on the bike. Or - make sure your the time you’ve allotted for the trip has some wiggle room available to stop for the day if needed. Give someone your plan of action and route, or invest in a tracker so someone from home knows where you are especially if you will be traveling through isolated areas.
Have a basic First Aid kit and a portable jump device for dead batteries. The portable jump can also be used to charge things like a cell phone or laptop.
Europe = a lot of culture + nature. You might get the impression that USA is in many fields a bit backwarded : you will get new ideas to do things at home. Good place for youngsters to meet other people from the whole world in hostels, bars, pubcrawls. Don’t stay too long in the London pub : go to continental Europe where they do speak English.
Africa = a lot of people together = very crowded and everybody will be interested in you if your color is white. You might get the impression that things aren’t very clean there, unless you pay for a good safari where they treat you well. If you have that African virus, you should do this in your young years, because your body is more capable of handling diseases then.
South and Latin America = distinctive own cultures of indigenous people or immigrants who build up their new future there. Andean mountains may be overwhelming. Generally the speed by which people go through life is much more relaxed + the people are friendly. One can learn you a lot how to approach life (books, music).
Australia and New Zealand = a lot of nature available and also people who build up their new future as immigrants. The English language may facilitate a lot of things. You might get impressions of shifting through time spaces or history that repeats itself.
Asia = a lot of people and great culture and nature. Rather cheap when you stay in guesthouses or hostels. Because they are with 4.5 billion people there, their senses and collective intelligence is most sharp of the whole world. It is addictive to spend holidays there, because you always want to return to Thailand for example.
You should do efforts to prepare your travel, by reading material in guidebooks PDF’s or use apps. When you are there you should do things that you need to do that might be exciting daring or things you cannot find at home. But be yourself and know your own limits. People love to see travelers from USA because then they can earn some dollars which they use to visit the USA.
7. Get lucky
Live long and stay healthy. Vaccinations, sensible eating and not overindulging in unhealthy substances may be of some assistance here. The main thing though, is to enjoy your travels. If you become truly completist, places such as Dhekelia (British Forces) Overseas territory of UK on Cyprus and Palmyra Atoll a privately owned incorporated territory of the US are on the list.
8. Fly cheaper
Take opportunities on airlines promotion, make sure you follow their pages as well. Since this is the beginning of a traveling journey, you would probably want to keep your money to yourself as much as possible. But how? Basically, use some apps or tools and find the trickiest day to buy your ticket. By using Skyscanner, you can search for the cheapest flights and routes or signing up for price alerts can save you loads on flying.
After you find the cheapest route, it is time to buy your tickets. But there should be a way to buy these cheap tickets cheaper. Yes, they made it. Use Pointship, to use other’s fly miles to buy cheaper tickets. Basically, you buy miles and owner of the miles buy your plane ticket which costs less than buying the ticket originally from the system without miles.
9. About accommodation
This one is a little bit more obvious. Use AirBnb, HostelWorld, CouchSurfers, BeWelcome, Hitchike and so many other websites for arrange yourself a place to stay. Also websites like Booking.com have pretty good offers for specific dates. With Couchsurfing, you can stay in a place for free during your travel and it will help you to keep a very big part of your budget.
10. Make your budget larger during your trip
You can also earn extra money while traveling. You may have space in your luggage. So, would you like to fill it and just because of that earn money? Then just go to your mobile phone’s Play/App Store and download Glocalzone. This app is like a real diamond for me. So how this app works? Add your travel details and see people who want to buy somethings from abroad.
Talk with them and after you complete your delivery, you earn Traveler Reward from each of these deliveries. You can earn more then $100 from just one delivery. There is a plus! You may be friends with the person you deliver the item and they can help you to travel the city as a guide!
Best of luck and remember that the the pleasure is in the journey rather than the destination.